History |
In the year 1899 the Borough Council purchased two hand drawn fire wagons, fully equipped, for $150 and organized a volunteer fire department for the Borough of Sharpsville. Dr. E. E. Henry was elected president; W. A. Graber, secretary and George McIntyre, treasurer. This was the beginning of our present day Volunteer Fire Department. On March 12,1900 a meeting was called and the department was re-organized and "~ck" Mehler, popular barber, was elected fire chief for the ensuing year. The following year, 1901, council purchases a horse drawn fire wagon for $375 and made arrangements that when the fire bell rang the fire tearn that got there first were to be paid. Dr. Henry res i~ned in 1905 and was replaced by M. W. Thompson at a special meeting called on July 6, 1906. Willidm Hittle was elected fire chief. In 1913 council purchased a team of horses for $625, pCn~i~)ned off the old gray mare and hired S. Richards as driver. The ~ear 1917 introduced the motor age and council purchased a red Ford fire engine fully equipped for $1560. The team of horses was now used in hauling supplies for the borough and pulling the snow plow to clean the streets. In 1924 council purchased a truck for borough work and the team was disposcd of.. sept 5 1911 maiin 5th In 1923 council purchased a new White fire truck equipped with a Howe pump at the cost of $5,780. Before this, the Volunteer Fire Department was completely re-organized with George Mahaney as president and the framework for the present day department laid. In 1939 council purchased an Ahearn-Fox truck which is in use today. In 1954 the Volunteer Fire Department raised $23,000, largely through public subscription, with which to purchase a new fire truck and presented it to the borough. Then in 1972, the borough purchased for $54,000 a new and completely equipped truck to give greater protection to the needs of. the community. | ||||||